I had been following the work of Randell Mills for years. His company, Black Light Power, in nearby Cranburry NJ has been claiming a new form of chemistry based on a new state of hydrogen inside a catalyst. When the news of a confirmation of excess heat by Rowan University occured in the Fall of 2008 I immediately looked up the pore size of their skeletal catalyst Rayney nickel to see if it possibly met Casimir geometry. The pore sizes overlap the most active range for Casimir effect below 10 nm. This is in a range where stiction normally occurs making nano materials clump together and may play a roll when molten metals congeal or grow whiskers to alleviate this Casimir force.
This led me to develop an alternative theory for Casimir effect based on Naudts theory of relativistic hydrogen and Puthoff’s atomic model where vacuum fluctuations apply a counter pressure that opposes the decay of atomic orbitals. I extended Naudts suggestion of a relativistic solution for the fractional orbits reported by Mills, Miley and Arata under differnt monkiers – hydrino, deuterium clusters or inverted Rydberg. I propose that the anomalous heat associated with each of these researchers is due to an asymetrical translation of atomic vs diatomic gas entering and exiting these relativistic fields. A relativistic interpretation of Casimir effect produces gradients of inertial frames by reshaping vacuum fluctuations in space-time to appear shorter and fit between the Casimir boundaries, plates or cavities, in proportion to the sum of local geometry. The effect is known to dissipate upon nearfield proximity to the bounding walls so must start to sum at some minimal distance where changes in local geometry will cause the most abrupt changes in Casimir force and presumably the greatest catalytic action (smooth walled CNTs only exhibit catalytic action at openings and defects). My premise is that monatoms freely translate between these inertial frames but diatoms by nature of their bonds oppose this translation / reshaping of orbitals, effectively rectifying energy from normally chaotic motion according to gas law (based on uncertainty principle)to help disassociate fractional diatoms. This is also seen in the action of Pd membranes or PEM filters that prevent h2 from passing but allow protons to pass. If the protons reform h2 inside a similar structure where defects allow the formation then there will be opposition to further motion where the diatomic bond opposes any further reshaping of the atomic orbitals it is holding together. When the energy source pushing these molecules through the membrane is removed we hear these reports of “Life after death” where anomalous heat continues to be produced for hours and even days beyond power removal. I suggest gas law still provides the motion/energy to disassociate diatoms based on thermal distribution. Some small population of atoms will still be approaching disassociation temperature and be effectively “prearmed” to disassociate when changes in the local Casimir geometry/force exceeds the force exerted by a fractional diatomic bond in opposition to the force of gas law trying to randomly push it into a nearby but different inertial frame. These opposing forces break the diatomic bond and restores the fractional atoms to a fractional value appropriate for the new inertial frame. These atoms are now ready to reform a molecule and repeat the cycle between fractional h1 and fractional h2 as this accumulated population/cluster of fractional h2 slowly “melts” out of the cavity fractional states in a process reverse to when heat or pressure forced h1 deep into its moste fractional regions.
In early 2009 I discovered the patent by Haisch and Modell dated May 2008 which already cited Casimir effect as a prerequisite for a method of extracting energy from noble gases. This meant I was a day late and a dollar short regaring the role of Casimir effect and only my relativistic interpretation of Casimir effect remains a unique theory. The Haisch and Moddel patent was based on manufactured Casimir cavities in stacks of copper plates similar to the pores in the skeletal catalysts used by Mills but separated by insulating layers to maximize the orbital translations between plates. Their theory differs greatly from Black Light Power in that they do not require any chemical reactions. I mistakenly compared their extraction method ,which Dr Haisch coined “Casimir – Lamb Shift” to the Black Light Process in previous blogs but this was resolved in a recent reply to a Huffington Post article “ Sorry, it’s Malignant: Why Scientists Need a New Approach on Climate Change” when Professor Moddel stated “ Some bloggers have linked our patent to Blacklight Power’s hydrino. I cannot comment on whether the concept of a hydrino is valid, but the physics behind it is certainly different from the physics that supports our concept”. He also cited a paper he published in October 09 Assessment of proposed electromagnetic quantum vacuum energy extraction methods which very clearly defined for me the “Casimir Lamb shift”. According to this paper The Casimir – Lamb shift can extract energy from a single atom which releases energy locally to the cavity but then is restored globally by ZPE when it exits the cavity. It does not rely on any collisions or chemistry to occur while inside the cavity as I had wrongly presumed, it is a totally quantum effect. The Black Light Process meanwhile rejects any quantum contributions and is based solely on multibody collisions. My theory is more similar to that of Haisch and Modell which is based based on the Puthoff atomic model but also embraces the need for chemical reactions similar to the Black Light process and presumably the Miley and Arata methods employing Pd membranes in their design.
The different methods and materials used are all based on atomic gas and Casimir geometry . If there really are multiple ways to extract energy from this same environment then the data obtained should contain evidence of summing. The Haisch -Moddel patent describes energy derived from quantum forces without chemical reactions while BLP’s method is solely chemical and refuses to consider any quantum contributions like Casimir effect. My own solution combines them both where molecules formed from these shifted or fractional state atoms allow for ash less chemistry. The diatomic bond opposes further changes in these fractional states but Gas law forces the diatom to move. This changes the local Casimir force and disassociates the diatom so the atoms can translate to the new appropriate fractional value. This frees them to repeat the cycle for as long as they remain fractional.
The makeover of the Black Light website includes A new paper “Thermally Reversible Hydrino Catalyst system as a new Power Source” http://blacklightpower.com/papers/EngPower032610S.pdf
which reinforces my conviction that Mills and Haisch – Moddel are based on the same underlying physics but by refusing to incorporate components of each other’s theory are both failing to tell the whole story. Mills new paper focuses on the difference between energy released in the hydrino state and the much lower energy required to convert the hydrides formed in the catalyst back to their initial form allowing the catalyst to work properly once again. I was inspired to investigate consider ashless chemistry based on Mill’s work but I appear to have taken it a step further by borrowing components of the Haisch Moddel theory involving Casimir effect and taping energy from ZPE. I think the Black Light process will rwquire “dissolving” the destructive by products (Hydrides) which I believe negate the Casimir geometry by forming whiskers across the cavities – the same problem the government is currently funding to avoid stiction in nano materials. The ashless chemistry Mills should be focused on is powered by quantum forces that are unfortunately antithetical to his GUT theory. IMHO These quantum forces are changes in Casimir effect that occur most dynamically with abrupt changes in geometry at the smallest scales like the pores in a skeletal catalyst or the Haish Moddel prototype (essentially a synthetic super catalyst). It is the these sudden changes in catalytic action that try to reform orbitals to new fractional values that disassociate hydrogen molecules reversing it back to atomic hydrogen numerous times (and restoring atomic energy levels) before the thermal runaway causes the hydride formations that Mills points to as the ash in his reactions. I don’t think the BLP process can reverse the chemical reaction of hydride formation without an equal or greater expenditure of energy but rather they are gaining energy from countless ash less translations between atomic and diatomic states due to changes in Casimir geometry disassociating the diatoms back into atoms.
Haisch and Moddel make the same mistake in reverse, refusing to acknowledge that Mills is correct about the need for a chemical reaction to rectify the energy from the quantum effect. They choose noble gas which is already monatomic believing the shrunken orbital will Release energy as it transitions to smaller fractional states on the way into the cavity but be replenished globally by ZPE on the way out. Maybe it is 25 years of Power R&D talking but IMHO you need a rectifier – a knot- a waveform will transition symmetrically into and out of the same conditions unless you somehow MAKE the path asymmetrical. The h2 molecule does this naturally, We know you have to force it through a membrane or heat it to disassociate it to get it to load into a lattice or even penetrate significantly into the confines of a Casimir cavity. My thought is this molecular bond is our rectifier and it not only resists the initial change to a fractional orbit but if it forms a fractional molecule it will also resist change to a different fractional value inside the cavity. That is the asymmetrical path that Causes ashless chemistry –You still have gas law (think ac component riding atop Casimir bias) based on uncertainty principle driving those gas molecules around inside the cavity and when opposed by abrupt change in Casimir effect will disassociate so the atoms can change to the new appropriate fractional orbit appropriate for the new local geometry.