Relativistic interpertation of Casimir effect where longer fluctuations only appear shorter due to time dilation

An unusually exotic theory of sonoluminescence, which received much popular attention, is the Casimir energy theory suggested by noted physicist Julian Schwinger which focuses on long distance quantum radiative phenomenon associated not with atoms, but with fast-moving surfaces in the collapsing bubble. This was later dismissed in a paper by Claudia Eberlein because the velocity would have to approach the speed of light but bubble collapse vélocity is only about 100 m/s. If Schwinger had focused instead on the trapped gas atoms inside the bubble he might have come to the same conclusion as Jan Naudts 2005 paper regarding hydrino state of relativistic hydrogen which provided a plausible explanation for the controversial hydrino. Naudts suggested a relativistic state that would appear to have a fractional ground state however his paper concerned only a single nuclear state many magnitudes higher than the 137 fractional states associated with the hydrino. In June of 2007, Ronald Bourgoin, once a graduate student of Robert Carroll’s, published a paper that showed the general wave equation predicts exactly the 137 inverse principal quantum levels claimed by Mills. The math used by Bourgoin is controversial because it is normally reserved for photons that can occupy the same spatial position and state. I am proposing use of these equations dictates a relativistic perspective where electrons can seem to occupy the same spatial position from the perspective of an observer in a different inertial frame.

The suppression of longer wavelength vacuum fluctuations inside a cavity is a change in energy as evidenced by changes in spontaneous emission. According to Einstein’s space-time concepts time is dilated or always “moves” slower in volumes that contain a different energy content than the ones from which they are observed. This concept is familiar to us in terms of Gamma and the Twin Paradox based on luminal velocity due to real or “equivalent” acceleration. My point is the “equivalent” of the twin paradox approaching an event horizon can exist in the Microverse where “equivalent acceleration” increases at the inverse square of distance to the nucleus and the equivalent to the earth bound twin would reside out in the orbital zone or inter atomic zone. Unlike the Macroverse our microverse has the potential to segregate and accumulate these energy zones through Casimir force. The proper plate geometry and spacing of a conductive lattice can isolate and deplete the resivoir of “low energy” zones between the plates below the ambient energy level outside the cavity. The normal balance between zones is maintained but Casimir geometry allows us to amplify the size of the segregated pools into the macro world where we can exploit the effects.

“equivalent” acceleration accumulates “equivalent” velocity allowing the unlikely state where the orbitals inside and outside an abrupt equivalence boundary such as a Casimir cavity can remain spatially stationary relative to each other while diverging at “equivalent” luminal velocities we perceive as time dilation when the orbitals exit the cavity “older” than sibling orbitals outside the cavity. The present Casimir effect theory of “up conversion” is that longer vacuum flux are displaced by shorter flux that can fit a whole number of times between the cavity walls (plates)but this also has a relativistic interpertation where the longer vacuum flux are not replaced but rather the longer flux are distributed by this “equivalent velocity” to appear shorter from our perspective outside the cavity allowing it to now fit between the plates.

I am proposing that the hydrino state of relativistic hydrogen inside a Casimir cavity can only occur if vacuum fluctuations first twist on the temporal axis appearing to an observer in our plane as getting faster and taking all matter diffused in the field such as the hydrogen atom along for the ride leading to the relativistic explanation for fractional quantum states (hydrino). This twisted temporal angle would simply reverse on exiting the cavity EXCEPT if the atoms happen to form a compound while “twisted”. The twist represents an accumulated “equivlent” velocity creating a “fast” molecule or compound. If the appropriate rigid catalyst is selected such as Rayney nickel the new molecule is torn apart by the confinement making the skeletal catalyst a membrane to “fast” molecules just like Pd is to regular H2. This restores the mon atomic energy level at the cost of some lost “equivalent” velocity but the equivalent acceleration is a permanent effect established by bracing the Casimir plates apart such that the equivalent velocity begins again to accumulate based on the local value of Casimir force. The cycle repeats itself with the potential to form a thermal runaway when population and temperature permit. This could explain the source and odd spectrum of Black Light plasma due to relativistic effects.

Skeletal Catalysts have pore sizes demonstrating Casimir geometry, I suggest even normal catalyst are based on Casimir geometry. Where rigid cavities with smaller cavities may be needed to manifest excess heat I believe the increased number of reactions associated with all catalytic action is due to lesser values of Casimir force.

The fixed geometry of a rigid cavity becomes a membrane where the newly formed “fast” hydrogen molecule finds itself too fast for the narrow geometry and tears apart restoring monatomic energy levels at the cost of some equivalent velocity. I propose the Casimir cavity is to an observer in our plane as our plane is to an observer in an event horizon with all the relativistic opportunities that implies and without the gravitational or cosmic penalties. All the anomalous heat readings of cold fusion experiments, Black Light Powers confirmation by Rowan University and recent patent by Jovion corporation can all be understood in terms of “upconverting” of vacuum fluctuations. Keep in mind that relative to other atoms in the same upconverted vacuum fluctuations there is no change and all would simply translate back to normal upon exiting the Casimir field EXCEPT if a compound forms while matter is in translated state. Things then get interesting regarding what can scale and the effects of bonding on this “temporal” translation. Like accepted relativistic itheory regarding slowing of time inside an event horizon relative to our plane the perspective from the Casimir cavity sees our plane in the same way. From our perspective in the “middle” we see the event horizon slowing matter caught in it’s gravitational field and we see the Casimir cavity as accelerating matter caught between it’s conductive plates in a venturi like manner. I see the time dimension as slow moving wide current in the event horizon least effected by matter cutting straight through our plane from future to past while the Casimir cavity is a narrow fast moving stream that briefly redirects time some degrees away from perpindicular allowing catalytic reactants to take a temporal detour accomplishing hours of work in what appears to be only minutes from our perspective.

As spacing between Casimir plates formed by narrowing cavities in Rayney nickel gets smaller the vacuum fluctuations and therefore any matter diffused therough them twist on the time axis trading spatial parameters for temporal components but maintaining the same quadric volume. the translation is non radiative and energy remains at ground state ( -13.5 eV for hydrogen) but the atoms orbital from our perspective appears far smaller than ground state because the minimal approach is being observed on the time axis and only the portion of the twisted profile remaining in our plane is measured. from the time axis perspective the nucleus sits at the bottom of a microgravity well while the orbital circles higher in the well like a halo. when the atom translates to what Dr Mills callls a hydrino this temporal- gravitational displacement increases to maintain the ground state while the orbital diameter is free to close down far below the diameter we normally use as a measure of ground state allowing it to take on many new states with the energy now stored in different combinations of orbital diameters and temporal displacements between nucleus and orbital. The catch is that this remains a non radiative translation and unless a compound forms to lock the orbitals from simply translating back no energy will be harvested. If a molecule or compound does form it creates a semi stable compound and locks the distended micro gravity well at some length inversely proportional to the fractional quantum states of the hydrino. These dihydrinos now have distended gravity wells too temporally deep to fit in our plane and find the retracting vacuum fluctuations accumlating boundary conditions and breaking the orbital bonds of the molecule while it is wedged in the temporal-spatial corridor inside a Casimir cavity. These “organized” vacuum fluctuations accumulate and repeatedly break the compounds’ bonds which immediately reform at a lesser and lesser orientation releasing energy in a cascading emission called Black Light plasma.
I propose Casimir cavities or outcroppings are responsible for all catalytic action, that conductive electrolyte in cold fusion can form casimir geometry when separated by small numbers of gas atoms or shaping larger bubbles through bulk nano material or pulsing. Because the temporal doorway opens as the spatial doorway closes at these scales the possibility exists for atoms to enter one Casimir cavity and exit a nearby cavity entangling the two cavities and possibly creating a nano wormhole where they remain connected in time even when spatially displaced.
I propose the plasma claimed by Black Light Power may be less important then the pre-plasma for its’ linkage to vacuum fluctuations that I posit are responsible for breaking the bonds of compounds formed inside the Casimir field. If we keep the reactor just below the 200 C where this effect normally cascades we may be able to push the Casimir cavities with trapped gas atoms through coils as an ionized powder to provide reactionless drive with those vacuum fluctuations starting to accumulate on the offending bonds of these quasi interdimensional compounds. Although everything was simply relativistic until the atoms formed bonds inside the Casimir field, once those orbitals locked their orientation into a bond they started resisting changes in translation between the distance of the walls inside the cavity – these “stuck” orientations take us away from relativistic changes and now we have interdimensional travel with matter at 2 different angles relative to time residing in the same frame. It is this property that allows Black Light to use the hydrogen atom as a bucket to harvest heat from “organized vacuum flux trying to push the offending orbitals back into alignment and which also may allow us to build a reactionless drive. I predict that gas compounds on the threshold of emitting plasma will measure frictional linkage to vacuum fluctuations which affect inertia and if circulated in the vertical axis with a short return path would modify apparent weight.

Unless I missed something, neither the article by Naudts nor by

Bougoin has made any statements with regards to cavities. They are

discussing the possibility of stable sub-ground state hydrogen based

on relativistically consistent orbitals.


Naudts and Bourgoin make no comment regarding cavities, their papers are mathematical and use equations normally reserved for photons that can occupy the same spatial co-ordinates for which their work has remained controversial. skeptics insist dirac equations would eliminate the fractional state claims. Both sides are correct – the equations are wrong for free space and can only be considered from perspectives where electrons can occupy the same spatial coordinates. Those conditions happen when inertial frames reach a differential velocity of luminal proportions relative to each other such as a remote observer to an event horizon or between an external observer to a very narrow Casimir cavity where that cavity is populated with gas atoms free to accumulate equavilent velocity – that equivalent velocity is an absolute differential to the external observer even if the atom is decelerating in a lesser gravitational field

AFAIK no one has ever produced a hydrino outside of a cavity.
My premise is that the hydrino is relativistic hydrogen and therefore can
only be perceived from another time frame such as a deep gravity well or inside a Casimir cavity. Mills was able to “deliver” hydrino to Rowan Univercity only as hydrogen in situ within the pores of Rayney nickel and the translation would only occur to atoms after disassociation.



1. Mills’ claim hydrino formed inside skeletal catalyst Rayney nickel has
up to 137 fractional quantum states.

2. Naudts and Bourgoin
use alternate math to establish these fractional states can exist.Instead of Dirac equations they use math such as Poincare group normally reserved for photons which can occupy same spatial coordinates – using these equations limits the solution to conditions where electrons can occupy the same spatial coordinates. relativistic solutions allow electrons to occupy the same spatial coordinates displaced on time axis.

3. A relativistic interpertation of hydrino allows orbital to collapse spatially below Bohr radius because the minimum “displacement” to the nucleus is maintained on time axis. The fractional quantum radius only exists from our 3D perspective
outside the cavity observing the hydrino inside. Inside is like the twin paradox where
locally both twins are unaware of time dilation.

5. Christian Beck papers, Measureability of vacuum
fluctuations and dark energy and
[3] Electromagnetic dark energy
relating virtual photons below 2 Thz more gravitationally active than those
above. Detecting fewer virtual particles below 2Thz may actually be a relativistic measurement only discernable from another inertial frame. I would expect to see more vacuum fluctuations < 2THZ in a deep gravitational well from the perspective of an observer in flat space, It should follow this number decreases steadily as the observer
measures zones higher in the well until the observer is measuring his own local zone representing a standard. The observer should also be able to see the number decrease further by observing zones inside a Casimir cavity that further deplete the number of fluctuations below 2THZ through “equivalent deceleration” – the cavity represents an abrupt equivalence boundary according to Cavity QED that mutes the ambient gravitational field outside the cavity setting up a differential decelleration between the ambient and the muted field inside. Our equivalent acceleration outside VS a lesser equivalent acceleration inside allows us to remain stationary while any matter such as gas atoms diffused inside accumulate “equivalent” velocity that manifests as time dilations when the atoms exit the cavity.

6. I postulate therefore the “up-conversion” in a Casimir cavity is
relativistic, perceived outside the cavity as full spectrum, but the change
in ratio of virtual photon frequencies is in the opposite direction creating
a gravity “Hill” or lack of gravitationally active virtual photons as
opposed to a gravity “Well”.

1 thought on “Relativistic interpertation of Casimir effect where longer fluctuations only appear shorter due to time dilation”

  1. Many papers associate vacuum fluctuations with time dilation during pair anti pair production but this is a balanced system so small and fleeting as to appear isotropic to an observer at our scale. Einstein concluded that time is dilated or always moves slower in a volume that contains a different energy content reflecting what Gamma quantifies as a ratio between different inertial frames when that delta approaches luminal velocity in free space or by bending spacetime more directly through condensed matter. It is a form of this latter “equivalent” acceleration that occurs at the mesoscopic scale due to Casimir geometry. In flat space without a waveguide or cavity to suppress the ZPF atomic orbitals reside in a common isotropic field / inertial frame. When hydrogen orbitals are diffused into a Casimir cavity the ZPE is diminished and time dilation occurs translating the orbital into a different inertial frame where the orbital appears to take on fractional values from 2-137 as calculated by Bourgoin. The atoms are decelerated relative to outside the cavity more like a gravity hill then a gravity well or perhaps, the cavity can be considered a shield where the external gravitational field is reduced inversely proportional to proximity of Casimir plates. time and therefore gravity is reduced in fractional gradients creating differences in acceleration that will accumulate both “time dilation” and velocity in a disproportinate manner to open space. I am suggesting that time dilation from Casimir force does not require
    luminal velocity or condensed matter. the ability of conductive plates to shield and exhaust a depletion zone represents a major discount to accessing the temporal axis compared to acceleration or gravitational wells.

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